Thursday, June 24, 2010

Can applying toothpaste really get rid of a blemish, overnight?

?Can applying toothpaste really get rid of a blemish, overnight?
I'm not sure, but you could try watermelon juice. Watermelon juice clears the skin of all its blemishes leaving it fresh and lovely. Grate a watermelon, squeeze out the juice and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. Now wash it with hot water and then splash on cold water.Can applying toothpaste really get rid of a blemish, overnight?
My ex-girlfriend took three days to disappear.

I think the sunlight actually helped to be honest.
it did for me!

It sure can

I put some on a toad and it turned into a princess

Good luck

kind regards
what it actually does is dry out your pimple. i definitely would NOT recamend doing it too often because it really isn't good for your skin. there are much safer products out there to use, but yes, it does work if it is neccessary.
It never worked for me try tea tree oil or withchhazel you can get them cheap enough in any pharmacy
Well it's funny you should ask. I tried it last night for five minutes and the zits were noticeably smaller. So overnight...
Yeah my sister told me that when I was little. It takes all the oil out, I do it now.
Most toothpaste have chemicals in them which happen to dry up pimples.. But most of the time, it can only damage your pimple and clog your pores and create even more pimples.. so i suggest you go to a pharmacy and try to find a cream that drys up pimples
It dries it up faster

Crest works the best
I've done this and it only makes it more enflamed. Try a piece of potato peel. Taped on with a bandaid. It is an old folk remedy, but really works!
I found alcohol on a paper towel held on the pimple for about 10 minutes or more if you have the time and in a day or too it's gone.
this is a beauty myth that was disproved by the allure magazine editor a few weeks ago on Tyra Banks show. There are too many additional ingredients in toothpaste for whitening and tarter control to do anything. you are really after the salsylic acid that used to be in toothpaste. You are better off crushing up an aspirin making a paste with water and putting that on your blemish.
Never worked for me... Why don't u try it? Everybody is different.
I don't think so?
if we apply toothpaste on silver utensils it removes blemishes. Not heard it happening on humans.
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