Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oily with blemishes on my face.what do i use?

Heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!!!!i have a oily face with blemishes(mostly my nose) and i always+always+always wash my face.what do i use??Plz help me.!!Oily with blemishes on my face.what do i use?
try neutragena oil free foam cleanser, its in a pump containter thing and its orange. foam cleansers help with getting rid of oilsOily with blemishes on my face.what do i use?
since your face is oily use clean and clear's continuous acne control cream cleanser (purple and white tube bottle thing) twice a day.

use witch hazel as a toner at night, with a cotton ball, so it takes off any excess dirt that didnt come off before

try to exfoliate once a week with a honey/asprin mask. get 4 uncoated asprins and put a lil water on them and crush them so they turn into a paste, then add it to some honey and use that to exfoliate. leave it on for 15 minutes

you can also do a honey mask everyday for 15 minutes. its a natural antiseptic and it improves your skins appearance over time. (dont include the asprin)
Talk to a dermatologist. Online, you may be able to submit a question to a real one and get a reply. My friend was told to use anti-bacterial soap like Dial. It worked for her. She also uses a salicylic acid astringent at 2%. Seems to work for her. I use it, too. Always, always wash your face in the morning and at bedtime. Change and/or clean your pillow cases often or anything that touches your face. Keep styling products off of your skin and wash your hands after usage. When in the restroom, pat your face with some sort of blotting paper. It could be a clean sheet of the towels they have or something like Scott's regular toilet paper. It doesn't leave lint on your face. LOL.
OH MY GOD!!! i tryed this stuff called [ Milk of Magnesia ] and it gets rid of all your pimples, zits, and red blemishes!!!! *its in a blue container... and it is a saline laxative* what you do is you rub it on your face (DONT DRINK IT) keep it on for 5-10 minutes and then scrub it off... do this every night befor you go to bed and EVERYTHING will go away in a week *or two*
since its summer i start getting an oily face. i tried Clean %26amp; Clear Morning Burst face wash in the green bottle. it works so good! my face hasnt been shiny or oily since i started using it! ive tried everything and so far, this is the only thing that works for me.

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