Thursday, June 24, 2010

Can a tatto artist match your skin color and fill in blemishes on your scalp?

I would think no..

tattoos are affected by sunlight, and for that matter so would the skin surrounding it - so if you consider you scalp is most likely to receive sun and tan or redden your tattoo'd blemishes will not be able to keep pace, as skin colour changes..

makeup would be a better option IMOCan a tatto artist match your skin color and fill in blemishes on your scalp?
I would imagine so. Women that have had mastectomy's have nipples tattoo'ed on often times. So flesh colors are obviously available.Can a tatto artist match your skin color and fill in blemishes on your scalp?
Never heard of that but it might be a possibility. Call a local tattoo shop and see. Good Luck =]

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