Friday, December 11, 2009

I have blemishes on my cheeks.i m 29 and mother of 2yr old there any home remedy to get rid of blemish?

This will quickly and permanently rid of them(See USERS happy responses below).

Do vigorous massage on areas using certain essential oils. These have been used by specialists to treat and cure acne as they do not clog and they actually reduce oiliness of skin. Sweet almond, pure lavender, cypress and grape seed oil are good Extra virgin olive oil works on many skins.

First tighten skin by opening mouth slightly and pulling lips firmly back against teeth Use front of fingers and palms Do with a forward and back not circular massage.

If do for 15 to 30 min min.daily (Doesn't have to be all in one session) they will start diminishing in first few days.days.

If massage entire face you will quickly have a radiant, tight, firm, totally blemish free, healthy skin and you will not need to use any other product or treatment ever again - not even moisturizers. Oils are perfect moisturizers. Do not remove oil, wipe away any surface excess with water and tissues. Does not leave face oily looking.


From: Wannabe blue28

';Omg, I've been following your advice and massaging my face vigorously with oil for the last three days and I see results already! Thank you ever so much..this could be the solution to my all my skin problems. I'd messaged earlier asking about the pores on my face. They're very large and EVERYWHERE';.

From: Shaboo

';Hello Mukunda, i just wanted to drop you a line to say a big thank you. Your massage method works brilliantly. I have one question, you know once my skin is all nice and spot free ..... should i stop the massaging? or would you still advise to massage everyday for 30 mins?';

SOURCE(S): 24 years research/experimentation using only safe, natural treatments to permanently cure skin conditions..I have blemishes on my cheeks.i m 29 and mother of 2yr old there any home remedy to get rid of blemish?
Here are few home made solutions, which if applied on the skin

reduce the blemishes, or if the blemishes are light then they can

even disappear.

* Lemon is the best thing available in our kitchen to reduce the

marks and blemishes from the skin. It can be applied directly on the

skin or can be mixed in many other things and packs to be applied

on the skin.

* You can rub a lemon peel on the skin with a little sugar on it or

without the sugar. After rubbing it leave it on the skin for at least 10

minutes. If you practice this regularly you can reduce the acne and

pimple marks finely.

* Here is a homemade pack, which reduces the blemishes from the

skin and improves the complexion. Take two spoonful of gram flour,

add a pinch of turmeric to it as turmeric have some agents in it

which reduces the marks, few drops of lemon juice and make a

paste with a spoonful of curd. Apply this pack on the face regularly

and you will notice drastic changes in your skin.

* Grate potatoes, wrap them in a cloth and take out the juice. Mix

few drops of lemon juice and honey to it and apply it on the face. If

you don't want to apply it all over the face then apply only on the

marks. Wash off after 20 minutes. Potato has bleaching agents,

which reduces the blemishes. It's better if you apply on the entire

face as it is very useful in reducing pigmentation and marks caused

by sun tan and burn.

* Make a mixture of tomato juice and lemon juice. You can fill it in

a bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. You can apply this mixture

on your face daily with a cotton ball. It lightens the skin tone and

facial hair and reduces the blemishes.

* A combination of honey and lemon with a pinch of turmeric to it

reduces the marks and blemishes if applied on the skin regularly.

* Sandalwood is very good in keeping the complexion clear and

reducing the blemishes. You can apply sandalwood paste on skin

made with rose water. It even soothes the acne, pimples and boils

from the skin.

* A paste of neem leaves or boiled neem leaves water if applied on

the skin reduces the blemishes.

* You can rub a papaya peel and banana peel on the skin and

leave it for at least 15 minutes. It reduces the blemishes from the


* Honey added in milk powder helps in reducing the blemishes if

applied on the skin.

* If you have real dark blemishes on the skin make a powder of

dry lemon peels and orange peels. You can keep this powder for

further usage. Whenever you want add some rose water or curd

water to it and apply on the skin. Its regular usage reduces the spots

and blemishes from the skin.

* A paste of honey and turmeric reduces the marks if applied on

the skin regularly.

* For better and fast results you can apply grated potato on your

skin. Leave it on at least for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water after

30 minutes. Try this at least once a week to reduce the marks.

* Orange abstracts are very useful for the skin and reducing the

marks and in evening out the skin tone. You can dry orange peels in

the sun and make a powder of it. Apply this powder by making a

paste of it on the skin with rose water, milk cream or curd. It

lightens the skin tone also.

* Drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrate and detoxified.

* Whenever you make orange or sweet lime juice at home apply

some with cotton ball on the skin and leave it on for half an hour.

Rinse off after few minutes. It helps in lightening the facial blemishes.

* Soak almonds in water overnight. In the morning peel them off,

make a paste and add some honey and lemon juice to it. It you apply

this everyday on your skin for 15 minutes; you can get a beautiful

blemish free skin with a clear complexion

try any of these cheers !! tc

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