Friday, December 11, 2009

I have fairly sensitive skin and get blemishes pretty often. I have tried all kinds of things...Suggestions?

I have had problems with acne/breakouts since I was around 16 (21 now). I have tried several brands but have hesitated with buying some of the more expensive (even the ones at drug stores). My skin is very sensitve and sometimes I have noticed that even Clean and Clear or Clearasil will burn my face, mostly I have problems with the topical acne creams. It isn't bad enough to go to the doctor over but I'm tired of struggling and wasting money by buying things that don't work. I thought about Proactiv but it's pretty expensive. I have seen something called Acne Free but I am worried that it will burn my skin...Does anyone have any suggestions of products they have had success with (preferably inexspensive)?I have fairly sensitive skin and get blemishes pretty often. I have tried all kinds of things...Suggestions?
I'm 30 and still have trouble. Wash w/ Baby Magic Bath Wash, and apply cold witch hazel as an astringent. Follow with Stridex Pads (they have salicylic acid instead of benzoyl peroxide, and are less drying), then moisturize with a light-weight oil-free lotion.

You still will get breakouts, no matter what you use. This regimen will cause less irritaion, though.I have fairly sensitive skin and get blemishes pretty often. I have tried all kinds of things...Suggestions?
try more natural remedies. read tips on treating acne and more on skin care on this site will answer every skincare problem in the book.
maybe department/drug store brands are too harsh for you face, you are probably damaging it more then helping,why don't you try just using warm water on your face, and see how that works, don't worry about not getting clean that's a myth. I also have sensitive skin (not prone to acne) but prone to dryness and redness, I stopped using facials cleansers a long time ago, they just exacerbate the conditons
Use red apple cider vinegar and avoid putting your hands on your face.
This is going to sound wierd but it worked for me.............The inside of a banana peel............Rub it on your face a couple times a day and it dries the up.............I peeled the banana and stock in a zip lock bag,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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